
ABC's of Bullying Prevention: A Comprehensive Schoolwide Approach K-8—Teachers' Version -3-Year Streaming

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From physical violence to harassment and now cyberbullying, bullying has never been a bigger problem in our schools than it is today. This four-part video series provides school administrators with all of the necessary tools for implementing a comprehensive, school-wide bullying prevention program. It will also help them know how to respond when bullying does occur. The video is presented by Dr. Kenneth Shore, a school psychologist, family counselor, and noted author/expert on child behavior and bullying. 

Segments in this Video

Introduction: ABC's of Bullying Prevention (02:57)

Rising academic standards seem to crowd out social development, but students must feel safe. This film will help teachers learn how to stop bullying.

Need for Bullying Prevention (03:19)

Bullying is a major problem. School administrators must commit to eliminating bullying.

Importance of Bullying (02:09)

Bullying leaves lasting emotional scars. Cyberbullying can be devastating. Bulling creates a climate of fear and causes victims to miss days.

What Is Bullying (02:27)

Bullying involves a power imbalance and is distinguishable from normal conflict.

Cyberbullying (02:27)

Cyberbullying allows bullies to invade victims' lives without being present. Cyberbullies can often be detected; they are often themselves victims of physical bullies.

Gender Differences (01:11)

Boys are more likely to bully verbally or physically, while girls use social methods. Gender differences also exist for cyberbullying.

Signs to Notice (02:18)

Teachers cannot notice all bullying instances. They must look for signs that a child is being bullied.

Ignoring Bullying (01:17)

Teachers may not always take action in response to bullying; this emboldens bullies.

What Teachers Can Do About It (03:11)

Hold a class meeting on bullying. Play role playing games. Promote empathy.

Empower Witnesses (01:30)

Encourage witnesses to support the victim of bullying, and tell them their reports will be anonymous. Help loners connect with peers.

Close Supervision (00:60)

Provide supervision in areas where bullying is likely. Inform other teachers about bullying situations.

Educating Against Bullying (02:53)

Learn ways of integrating bullying themes into character education and academic lessons.

Responding to Bullying Incidents (01:22)

Take reports seriously and take quick action.

Dealing with Bully (01:55)

Discipline the bully, but do not bully the bully. Try to connect with the bully. Learn the reasons for bullying.

Support the Victim (01:49)

Encourage the victim to tell you in detail about the incident. Teach the victim how to respond to bullies. Contact the parents of bully and victim, and monitor the situation.

Cyberbullying (00:51)

Schools should discuss cyberbullying with students, laying out rules on technology use. Consider bringing in law enforcement officials.

Importance of Teacher's Role (01:19)

Bullying causes students to feel unsafe. Teachers must provide anti-bullying education and assure students they will protect them.

Additional Resources & Credits: ABC's of Bullying Prevention: A Comprehensive Schoolwide Approach K-8- Teachers' Version (01:01)

Additional Resources & Credits: ABC's of Bullying Prevention: A comprehensive Schoolwide Approach K-8- Teachers' Version

Length: 36 minutes

Item#: BVL60351

Copyright date: ©2011

 Closed Captioned


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