
ABC's of Bullying Prevention: A Comprehensive Schoolwide Approach K-8—Parents' Version -3YR Streaming

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From physical violence to harassment and now cyberbullying, bullying has never been a bigger problem in our schools than it is today. This four-part video series provides school administrators with all of the necessary tools for implementing a comprehensive, school-wide bullying prevention program. This film focuses on how parents can detect signs that their child is being bullied, and how they can respond. The video is presented by Dr. Kenneth Shore, a school psychologist, family counselor, and noted author/expert on child behavior and bullying. 

Segments of this Video:

Ignoring Bullying (00:54)

A girl talks about her reluctance to talk to anyone about bullying; a mother talks about her failure to recognize a problem.

Bullying (02:54)

The narrator talks about the importance of protection against bullying. A student and her parent discuss bullying.

Expert Introduced (01:07)

Renowned school psychologist Dr. Kenneth Shore will help us better understand how to prevent bullying.

Effects of Bullying (03:22)

Dr. Kenneth Shore gives an anecdote about the typical effects of bullying, and discusses the contents of this film.

What Is Bullying? (01:41)

Bullying peaks in middle school. It leaves psychological scars. Cyberbullying is a particular problem.

Fears for Safety (01:25)

Victims of bullying may view school as unsafe and refuse to attend. It can make students besides the victim feel unsafe, too.

Defining Bullying (01:44)

We distinguish bullying from normal conflicts; a more powerful child hurting a vulnerable child characterizes bullying.

Cyberbullying (02:35)

Cyberbullying allows the bully to avoid confronting the victim, but can often be traced. Learn about gender differences in approaches to bullying and cyberbullying.

Signs of Bullying (02:28)

Children often do not tell parents they are being bullied. Learn the signs to look for.

Ignoring Bullying (02:43)

Parents sometimes do not take action, believing children must learn to stand up to bullies. However, this is a mistake.

Need for Parent Action (01:39)

While bullying prevention is primarily the school's responsibility, parents can help. Many make the mistake of encouraging children to retaliate physically.

What Parents Can Do (02:31)

Take your child's concern seriously. Coach the child on ways of responding. Dr. Shore gives parents advice on how to talk to the teacher and principal.

Actions to Prevent Bullying (01:22)

Help your child make friends. Help your children exercise sound judgment online. Monitor the situation closely.

What Parents of Bullies Should Do (02:25)

When notified that your child is bullying, take the matter seriously. Learn possible motives. If initial responses fail, seek help from mental health professionals.

Parental Role (01:18)

Bullying is a serious problem. Parents have an important role in detecting bullying, providing emotional support and solving the problem.

Additional Resources & Credits: ABC's of Bullying Prevention: A Comprehensive Schoolwide Approach to K-8- Parents' Version (01:01)

Length: 32 minutes

Item#: BVL60353

Copyright date: ©2011

 Closed Captioned


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