
Visiting My Grandmother Interactive Book About Me

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Parents, Grandparents, Caregivers, Visiting My Grandmother stimulates your child's creativity and interest in reading and writing. After a visit, you and your child can relive the fun by recording what Grandmother looks like, where she lives, how they play and what they do and eat together in your child's own words, drawings, and photographs. The book provides sentence starters that children finish with words describing their personal experiences. The young authors then paste photos or draw pictures to illustrate their stories. Parents or grandparents can help children complete their one-of-a-kind book for a wonderful shared activity. Working on this Interactive Book about Me helps young and beginning readers (ages 3-7) improve their vocabulary, reading, and writing skills.

Visiting My Grandmother also helps children think about and describe their emotions, understand family relationships, and identify the unique characteristics of themselves and others. This activity book will bring repeated enjoyment and skill development as your child shares reading the book aloud with you, family members, and friends. And, when your child's reading progresses beyond the level of this book, you will have a memory-filled keepsake of a special event from his or her growing years!

Educators One of the keys to learning to read is motivation. This interactive book, in which the child provides the text and the important images, creates that motivation. It also requires children to think critically, recall and reflect on their experiences, and then recount them in writing - all helpful in developing language skills. Great for all beginning readers and writers, including English language learners and students identified for Title I or special education programs.