Skills for Families, Skills For Life 2nd Edition
- SKU:
- BT-63-008-TP
This revised and expanded edition of Skills for Families, Skills for Life can help family practitioners and other professionals incorporate the teaching of life skills into the assessment of and treatment planning for the families they work with. More than one hundred thirty basic to complex skills in thirteen caregiving areas are outlined in step-by-step detail. Skills areas have expanded to include
- Relationships
- Mental Health Needs
- Preventing Abuse
- Community Safety
and more skills have been added to chapters on
- Housing
- Money Management
- Informal and Formal Supports
- Education
An enclosed CD-ROM allows you to print skill sheets to use as checklists, make notes, and list resources as you counsel individual families. A new chapter also helps you locate public and private, local and national sources of assistance for families. 162 pgs.