
Common Sense Parenting Vol 2 Teaching Children Self Control

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Keep your cool while stopping your child’s temper tantrums, meltdowns, stonewalling and other acts of defiance! Using strategies from the Common Sense Parenting® program parents first learn how to stay calm themselves. Further dramatizations demonstrate how to calm the child down and, once he or she is in control again, do follow-up teaching. Here, the child practices how to behave better if feeling angry or upset. Teaching self-control gives both parent and young person the time and space to calm down and to work toward fewer angry outbursts in the future. This DVD can supplement the Common Sense Parenting® course with additional examples of handling emotionally intense situations, or stand alone as a guide for parents of kids ages 6-16 to help with self-control. Commentary with advice from Common Sense Parenting® experts at Boys Town is supplied throughout the video between dramatizations. Showing the DVDs in this series is a good choice for Family Night at school, in waiting rooms where families are served, or as part of any parenting class. Public performance rights are included. DVD, 28 min