
Bully Fighters -3-Year Streaming with Bullying Poster Series

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  • 3 Years of Streaming the video
  • Plus a set of Bullying Behavior Series of 8
  • (18" x 24") Laminated Posters at a discount when included with this video @ $131.97 (2 posters for FREE & FREE SHIPPING)

Passionate attorney takes three teens to court for bullying on manslaughter charges after they bully a girl into committing suicide. This program helps students and educators look at bullying from a legal standpoint. After seeing how bullying can drastically change people's lives, the audience becomes the jury and are given various debates on the issue and then are left to make a decision as to whether the law should change around bullying.

Segments in this Video: 

Inspired by Actual Events (04:02)

After writing on her face in lipstick, Eve hung herself. Her mother finds her body. Randy Cullen pulls out a gun and begins to shoot; his lawyer explains he will try to obtain the minimum sentence.

Fighting the Attackers (04:20)

Randy does not want to go to jail. Amy Cullen tries to convince Regina Shore to defend her son and go after those who bullied him. (Credits)

Lawyers Meet in Chambers (04:13)

Shore was bullied as a child and agrees to bring a class action suit against the school for negligence. Randy's attorney changes his plea. The judge decides to delay ruling on the criminal charges for one week so the defense can prepare.

Prosecution (03:46)

The judge meets with the lawyers about the constructive manslaughter charge against three bullies. The judge refuses to give Randy the mandatory minimum for shooting a firearm. Shore responds to reporters' questions outside the courthouse

Jury Deliberations (05:11)

Jurors worry about setting a precedent and argue about convicting three bullies on manslaughter charges.

Convicting Bullies (01:52)

Lee records a message for her mother before she hangs herself. The jury reaches a verdict.

Credits: Bully Fighters (01:08)

Student Workbook

Credits: Bully Fighters

Length: 25 minutes

Item#: BVL145492

ISBN: 978-1-64198-997-8

Copyright date: ©2015

 Closed Captioned

Performance Rights

Prices include public performance rights.

Not available to Home Video and Publisher customers.